Shipping policy
What countries can we deliver to?
We proudly offer FREE shipping to most countries in the world.
What are the estimated shipping times?
We can ship to most countries in the world. Please check the following shipping time form.
Country or Region |
Estimated delivery time |
United States |
7-12 days |
Germany |
7-12 days |
United Kingdom |
6-8 days |
Spain |
7-12 days |
Belgium |
7-12 days |
France |
7-12 days |
Austria |
12-15 days |
Australia |
7-12 days |
Russia |
10-12 days |
Netherlands |
7-12 days |
Denmark |
15-18 days |
Brazil |
15-30 days |
Sweden |
15-18 days |
Italy |
15-18 days |
Norway |
15-18 days |
Poland |
15-18 days |
Switzerland |
15-18 days |
Vietnam |
6-8 days |
Canada |
15-30 days |
Mexico |
15-30 days |
Thailand |
15-18 days |
Malaysia |
15-30 days |
Philippines |
15-30 days |
Singapore |
15-30 days |
New Zealand |
15-30 days |
Japan |
15-30 days |
Korea |
15-30 days |
Other countries |
7-30 days |
Order Processing:
Most orders will ship out within 2-3 business days. Orders aren’t processed on business hours, on weekends, or on holidays.
A shipping confirmation will be emailed to you as soon as your purchase has been shipped, which will allow you to track the status of your shipment. You can visit Track your order or directly at the courier’s website.
Import taxes, duties and related customs fees may be charged once the parcel arrives at the destination country. These charges are determined by the customs office of the specific destination.
Payment of these charges and taxes is the responsibility of the recipient and will not be covered by us here For further details of charges, please contact your local customs office.